Saturday, 21 November 2009

Kate Gibb

I have just come across Kate Gibbs work in the book "visual thinking". I have seen her work on albums such as the Chemical brothers, Simian mobile disco and the magic number, but i did not know they was by her. She has also produced book covers for H.G Wells and worked with fasion brands including Levis, Lee and Adidas. She produces lots of one of screen prints to which you can buy through her blog......take a look there fab!!!!


I love her work, i thinks she has a really cool style, I like her compositions and the way she layers colours and imagery. Her work has a very raw cut and paste feel which I love....... great influence.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Sublime music design

Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark – Dazzle Ships

I love this record sleeve design for OMD, designed by Peter Saville.
I think the colours work great against each other, I especially like the small amount of the peach coming in, but then is more apparent inside the sleeve. I really like use of the abstract shapes. It has such a retro look........... I love it. I would buy it just for its cover!!!!

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Habitat catalogues

Here are a selection of Habitat catalogues from 1999. I really like the format of the brochures. Each one folds out to A3 size.

Here you can see the brochure folding out ...

I really like how each brochure uses one flat colour plus stock.

Each brochure is detailed with linear images of various furnishings. They just look so intricate and make me want to look at them in more detail. I really like the concept of the brochure, i think as a set they work really well together.

I was looking at these brochures as primary research for part two of the silence brief.


Susan Sontag

I have just read a book on photography by Susan Sontag as part of my research for my essay. I loved her book, she examines a wide range of problems, both aesthetic and moral raised by the presence and authority of the photographed image in the lives of everyone today.

I love the way she describes the result of a photographic enterprise. "To give us the sense that we can hold the whole world in our heads as an anthology of images."

large numbers of people travel out of there environment everyday, for short periods of time. It seems positively unnatural to travel for pleasure without taking a camera. I love travelling everywhere. Everything I see and do feeds my visual intelligence, and inspires me in many ways, so I always have my camera at the ready. With the click of a shutter I feel satisfied that I have captured a memory of that pacific time or place. I love taking and collecting photographs, to me they are having an interest in in things as they are, and converting an experience into an image or a souvenir.