A lovely Yorkshire lad who was currently working at the Chase in Manchester came to give us a lecture. Well to say the least Craig was one of the most entertaining visiting lectures I think we have had so far. Maybe it was because he's our age group..... or because he was brutally honest. He through alot of humour and wit into his lecture, which gave us all a laugh and defiantly held our attention.
He told us all about the industry we are all about enter in literally the next 15 weeks. He gave us an account of the 12 things that he had learned in his first 12 months of being a designer. (He gave us all a pamphlet called 12 in 12, which was basically a sum up of the lecture). Things that he felt you could only learn through an active participation in the industry.
I found his lecture really helpful and really motivated me and helped me build a positive attitude for when i leave uni and go out into the real world.
He showed us some of his personal work and projects that he has worked on at the chase.
moving on up
A moving card for Manchester Evening News
A moving card for Manchester Evening News
I also found this project they had worked on when I checked out his website.....I love it.
The Olympic Games and Graphic Design
The chase were invited by Grafik to design a poster celebrating an Olympic sport for an exhibition. They was givin the sport BMX to work with.
"BMX is a spontaneous experience. A decision, a move, a technique, and a skill, performed in an instant based on the raw feeling of the rider at that very point in time. It cannot be captured with an image, or with words; it is an experience. Our posters—a celebration of BMX—were created by using just that: experience".
Here's the making.......

Here are some quotes by Craig Oldham that I just had to write down..........
"Its a people business, so be a people person"
"let your life inspire your design"
"why are two heads better than one?...... Because they fucking are, thats why."
"Do not read me because ill before the shit out of you"
"If you don't fall your not trying"
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